I thought of this one while playing with the auto email options. Currently there is no way to use an email address from a custom module. What would be nice is if you could select a custom field that acts as the email address that way we can send to individual, custom module accounts for status updates, etc. I assume it would work similar to how the Modify Field command fires but, again, I’m certainly not a PHP expert and I you guys threw me for a loop when I tried to find the DateTime command to see if I could modify it for just Date or create a just Date option in AOW. Anywho, another plug from me. It’s times like these I wish I could start taking coding more seriously. No time…
Request: Able to use the selected modules fields as email addresses for the Send Email action.
Reason: Currently there is no way to email custom module accounts. To make things easier it would be best to just use a fields value in the email address TO field rather than create a custom field that will highlight as applicable in AOW.
Also, would it be best to post any AO module stuff here or in their SalesAgility forums?
While I’m at it, how about a FROM dropdown as well? Right now it defaults to the SuiteCRM Email address which tends to be do_not_reply@“example.com”. Being able to send from, say, a specific user account, a specified email address like you can for the TO address right now,and a custom module field selected to act as the FROM address. Might as well go on and say the same for CC and BCC fields just for completion’s sake. This way we have absolute control of how the email is handled versus the current, little control we do have.
Of course, all the above would be icing on the cake for most people. For others it could save quite a bit of time if they are sending out a lot of canned responses to people while using SuiteCRM/SugarCRM. My company is using it as an Applicant Tracking System so we send out a lot of emails from Gmail right now using canned responses. Because of the nature of an ATS, we had to create a custom module for candidates and we have no way of adding in auto email functions without breaking the Sugar (not desirable) or adding in a “Send Email” button. Having emails automated would greatly help our flow but we need to be able to control the TO, FROM, and at least BCC sections of the emails first which we cannot do, as far as I know, with SuiteCRM/SugarCRM wAOW.
I’ll post this plus the original suggestion on the AOW forums.
It seems that custom modules can be seen by AOW if the module is based on the Person module template in the module builder. I have tested and confirmed it does work so that solves the first part of my suggestion however I would still consider being able to pick a custom field just for the versatility it can add. Now if we could only control the send FROM, CC, and BCC sections of an email sent via AOW.