[an error occurred while processing this directive] when trying to run install.php

I am hosting on a shared host - Justhost,com. I followed the instructions and changed the permissions. The only thing I wasn’t sure of was how to do sudo chown -R www-data:www-data using cpanel. When I go to install.php I get [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

You can start by looking in install.log to see if there is any further explanation to your error.

Then, about the ownership - it is, in fact, important. Your hosting has configured a Web server running on your machine. That web server runs under a certain username. You need to find out that username and use that in place of “www-data”.

If you don’t have any other way of finding out, you can simply start a new text file on the root of your SuiteCRM install with this content:

    $usr = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
    $myuser = $usr['name'];
    echo "$myuser<br><br>";

Save that as phpinfo.php

Now go into your browser and type


You should see the user name right on the top, and then a bunch of other PHP info that might come in handy.

When you have the username, you can check if your files and directories are already owned by that username or not. This is all easier to check in a SSH window than through Cpanel… is Cpanel the only access you have? Does it let you see and change ownerships?

a CRM is not to be installed on a shared hosting ! a CRM is not a blog, is not a “face de bok” page.
a CRM must be installed on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) on minimum.
With all requirements…


I’m not sure that is correct. Please explain why you think that.

I have it installed on my pacifichost shared account through the softaculous install. I was trying to install on a different server doing a manual install.

Also I am aware of the type of software we are installing and that it is not a face de bok page.

I didn’t where it would allow me to see ownership. I did create the file and ran it but got the same error - [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Do you have SSH access or not?

If you don’t, ask your hosting how you’re supposed to set correct ownerships and permissions on your files.