An error occurred during deploy process, your package may have not correctly

Please Help

I had installed suitecrm 7.1.2 and make a custom module

when i deploy custom module below errors come :

An error occurred during deploy process, your package may have not correctly

Check your Permission.

I have this same problem with 7.2 BETA
can you be a little more specific than just “check permissions”?

I seem to have the same error. I took the following steps
chmod -R 775 cache/ custom/ modules/ themes/ data/ upload/ config_override.php
No change.
What should I set permissions to ?

I changed everything to 777 & that didn’t work either. When I check the permissions in the folder with xxx@webserver:/var/www/html/suitecrm# ls -ld
I get
drwxrwxrwx 20 www-data www-data 4096