Allow CSS max-with & max-height properties in email

I have been trying to edit html purifier to allow css max-width and max-height in responsive email templates and have been running a ground for some time.
looking for some guidance here.

Version 7.2.1
Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)

I dint understand your question correctly. If you are trying to add css on the Email Templates record. You can always give an inline style sheet to the elements.

I am trying to allow the CSS max-width property so that html purifier does not clean it in my emails. The purpose of max-width is to create a responsive email template and campaign,

Please Advise

Hello, I have the same problem, just looking through the HTML Purifier to find a solution, but it seems i’m looking in a wrong place. Please advice how I can allow “max-width” values in the e-mail templates?
