All custom logic hooks lost when upgrading from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM


There is a significant bug in your upgrade script.
When migrating to SugarCRM, your script overrides logic_hook.php for Opportunities, Contacts, Leads, and maybe others.
So, all custom logic hooks are lost.


Save PHP files for customized modules (for example, accounts.php) in the Customs directory and not within the main module. Existing customizations may be overridden by changes in SuiteCRM 7.0.x during upgrade.

Best regards

Of course we did a backup before migration, so we really didn’t loose anything but:

  • Overriding files should be avoided
  • When that’s not possible, there should be a warning or ideally a list of files that were overriden


Yes but your customisations must have been in the main modules folders rather then the custom module folders otherwise they wouldn’t have been overwritten!


No, we never have customizations in the modules folder.
Please have a look in the migration zip file (we used SugarCE Migration 6.5.x to SuiteCRM
You will find logic_hook.php, for example in

This overrides all existing logic hooks definition.
For your information, the logic hook we had here was created through the manifest of an installable module (we never edit logic_hook.php manually):
‘logic_hooks’ => array(
‘module’ => ‘Opportunities’,
‘hook’ => ‘before_save’,
‘order’ => 998,
‘description’ => ‘Calcul des dates’,
‘file’ => ‘custom/modules/Opportunities/workflowOpportunities.php’,
‘class’ => ‘workflowOpportunities’,
‘function’ => ‘UpdateExpiration’,