Alerta de error con los usuarios

Me sale este error continuamente con los usuarios normales en suite crm 8

Captura de pantalla 2024-09-12 084451

Con los usuarios administradores no sale el error, cambio a algun usuario normal a administrador y el error ya no les aparece.

Try this:

Admin → Users & Authentication → Users Management → click on user

Go to Access tab and see if they have access to all.

The user dont have access to all because I put the users in a role

When you’re getting this error? Maybe you need to give them edit access.

The error appear in every module the user have access in each module the user have edit access

It should not show that error. Are they able to edit record?

Roles and Security groups

YEs they are albe to edit record in the modules i give access , and i follow up the guide and still appear the error