Ok, I upgraded to Version 7.8.6 and the cases module didn’t show anything anymore - ajax error. I had to disable the cases module in Ajax to get it working again. Unfortunately this breaks umlauts / special characters in the cases view. So, after I saw this seemed to might have been fixed in 7.8.7 and 7.8.8 I upgraded to that version and tried to enable cases again.
Funnily - I enable the cases module in the Ajax configuration with moving it to the left “activated” column and press “save”. Looks good - but as soon as I leave this menu and return the cases module still is disabled.
First, try a Quick Repair and Rebuild after you turn AJAX on.
If that doesn’t work, you can try checking your logs to see what error it gives as it fails to display.
The AJAX warning thing is a left-over from the past. This should really work with AJAX on. So I believe you have some other problem, let’s try to find it.
Do you have any customizations in that module? Done in Studio? Or in code?
I already tried a quick repair and rebuild, thats my first guess for anything that goes wrong
Ok, actually this did not fix it. I checked for new files after I changed the Ajax config and the suitecrm.log does not show any current output from the task I did, but I find a new file config_override.php in the directory.
Well, looking through all available apache logs - all I can see iss this:
[Thu Oct 19 23:02:04 2017] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/sugar/include/formbase.php on line 209, referer: https://sugar.initsol.de/index.php?module=Administration&action=ConfigureAjaxUI
[Thu Oct 19 23:02:04 2017] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/sugar/include/formbase.php on line 209, referer: https://sugar.initsol.de/index.php?module=Administration&action=ConfigureAjaxUI
[Thu Oct 19 23:06:17 2017] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/sugar/include/formbase.php on line 209, referer: https://sugar.initsol.de/index.php?action=ajaxui
[Thu Oct 19 23:06:17 2017] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/sugar/include/formbase.php on line 209, referer: https://sugar.initsol.de/index.php?action=ajaxui
[Thu Oct 19 23:06:17 2017] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/sugar/include/formbase.php on line 209, referer: https://sugar.initsol.de/index.php?action=ajaxui
[Thu Oct 19 23:06:17 2017] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/sugar/include/formbase.php on line 209, referer: https://sugar.initsol.de/index.php?action=ajaxui
Unfortunately, this did not change a thing in SuiteCRM Interface. So I tested around a bit and found that the update assistant still thinks I am using php 5.6 and shows the php.ini in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
How can I tell SuiteCRM to use the new PHP version? Seems that Debian strech brings both PHP Versions for backward compatibility.
You can surely find instructions for that in Debian or Apache forums. It’s basically a problem of telling your Web Server, “when handling PHP, use this executable”.
It’s normal to keep more than one version of PHP around. But this configuration is not in SuiteCRM, it’s Web server.
I don’t think you have a case of a “disabled module” that you need to re-enable. I think you have a case of a mysteriously broken installation that you need to somehow fix.
Maybe you can try
deleting the cache/themes folder
trying on a different theme
trying on a different computer
try some more of the repairs in Admin / Repairs
make sure you don’t have any customizations on the Cases module
ok. I give up. I thought I was not the only one with this problem - seems to be I am.
It took me several hours to get here but it just gets more and more wide and searchy debugging-wise.
Seems to me SuiteCRM gets broken more and more from patchlevel to patchlevel and the so called “LTS” Version is not the one that is really supported anymore?
Already the switch from “never use php7, we only support 5.3” to “now you have to use 7.0 immedeately” was a flip that I could not really comprehend.
Maxybe something got broken on the way, but I did never leave the mainstream path and without clear idea what to do I am now rather considering to change to another CRM tool. I don’t want to be in the saddle when the horse suddenly dies!
thank you for you efforts, I really appreciate it although it did not fix my problem.
kind regards
Supported PHP versions are still 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, people are not being told they have to switch to PHP 7.0, it’s just a recommendation (one I endorse).
I also don’t agree that it’s getting more fragile. With the exception of the Email module, which really has been a headache, it’s clearly getting a lot of bugfixes and security improvements. The team working on the product keeps growing.
Where I do think you are totally right is that often the experience is negative, or simply too complex. I put this down to SuiteCRM being a huge legacy PHP app, and PHP not being a solid way to building huge software. You can of course mitigate this a lot by following strict best-practices in programming, but most of these recommendations weren’t even around when Sugar started out. It is also true that, despite the growing investment of SalesAgility on the team, the product is so big and wide that it would happily suck a dozen more people into it…
True, it still takes quite a few sysadmin skills to operate a SuiteCRM installation successfully. True, sometimes problems get hard to solve for people who can’t afford to buy specialist help.
But this horse isn’t dying any time soon.
Sorry to see you go, good luck with your next steps, I hope it turns out good for you!
I am not gone yet, but deeply worried…
The new release 7.9.x is unusable for us and the 7.8 releases stopped working for us in 7.8.6 - the update broke the charset or Ajax in cases module or Ajax itself both. and nobody seems to care.
This is our working tool we have to deal with every day and it is VERY annoying.
Just for information on this issue here: I could enable the cases module for ajax through editing the config_override.php file. I do not understand why this is neccessary or if it did all it needed - now I had to disable that again anyway because still we cannot see the german characters.
I am not interested in new features or themes, just in the basic funtions - that should be top priority IMHO.
There were definitely things that were not well handled, both with the Theme and with the Email module - I have seen posts by SalesAgility apologizing for them and explaining their reasons.
But maybe you need to adapt the way your company works, to the reality of this project. If you can virtualize your servers, you can play things much safer when evaluating upgrades. You only deploy when you have assured your risks are controlled.
Also, if you try some consulting, some outside help, to get you through the rough spots, it might be worthwhile. Try SalesAgility themselves, if your business is big enough to afford it. Try hiring from Upwork, for cheaper options.
Problems like the one you’re having can be solved by a developer stepping through the code with a debugger. The likelihood of a competent developer fixing your cases module in 2 or 3 hours (80 - 120 €) is quite high. This one of the advantages of open-source: all the code is there for you to examine… but you need to be able to do that work.
I believe this is still a great model, simply because the value you get for free is immense. If I need to spend 300 € a year on outside help, or on customizations, I’m still probably going to be saving a lot of money when compared to the purchasing or licensing of any of the alternative CRM’s available, especially if I have many users.
ok we should stop now - this might become a lengthy discussion. I don’t like to pay for someone fixing a bug that was recently introduced in an “security patch” that was not tested enough.
If that’s the design how payment should work I am out.
I was trying to give constructive ideas but I understand if you don’t want to go into that discussion. Only you can have a notion of what makes sense in your company, what your expectations were, your alternatives, etc.
I’ll be here in case you need further help, good luck with everything! I hope it turns out well for you.