After upgrading zip file to upgrade wizard of suitecrm 7.9.8 getting error as "Please specify a file and try again!"

I’m currently using SuiteCRM 7.9.8. I want to upgrade it to SuiteCRM 7.10.7 which is latest version
Though there is zip file present for upload still after few minutes it shows message as “Please specify a file and try again!”

Anyone faced this kind of problem? Please mention solution in comment.

Thanks in advance.

Check your and increase these values if necessary

  • max_upload_size (must be bigger than the zip)

  • max_execution_time (must be long enough to process the bug upgrade)

  • memory_limit

Your php_errors.log and upgradeWizard.log should be telling you the exact error.

Thank you pgr for your reply. But in my case it was issue of bad file permissions. I solved my issue by changing file permissions.