After upgrade to 7.9.0

Everything looks fine except when I go to my email option I get this:

No results found for ā€œbasic_searchā€
Create ā€œbasic_searchā€ as a new Email

Ā© Supercharged by SuiteCRM Ā© Powered By SugarCRM

Any thoughts before I roll it back? :slight_smile:


If you can please make a screenshot, I think it could be helpful. If you have trouble uploading it to the forums, just upload it to PasteBin or a similar service, and tell us the link.

And also, do your logs show any error when that screen shows?


Hey There

so image is here :

And nothing showing in the logs other than :

Mon May 29 14:20:41 2017 [58522][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id FROM aow_workflow WHERE aow_workflow.flow_module = ā€˜ACLActionsā€™ AND aow_workflow.status = ā€˜Activeā€™ AND (aow_workflow.run_when = ā€˜Alwaysā€™ OR aow_workflow.run_when = ā€˜On_Saveā€™ OR aow_workflow.run_when = ā€˜Createā€™) AND aow_workflow.deleted = 0 : MySQL error 1146: Table ā€˜pdowling_pdsuitecrm.aow_workflowā€™ doesnā€™t exist

But this error is not occuring when I go to email.

BTW I had to rollback my live install. So this is a fully clean install and this is exactly the same error.


Please navigate to Admin -> Repair and run a Quick Repair & Rebuild. Once this runs, scroll to the bottom of the page and if there are any SQL queries click ā€˜Executeā€™.

But Iā€™m afraid that might not be enough to solve it. Iā€™ve seen that error in systems that failed to install completely, a problem which can then arise in many different forms. So I would say that FATAL error needs your attention, even if it doesnā€™t seem to cause directly the Emails module problem.

Can you check upgradeWizard.log and try and find out if there were any errors during installation? Sometimes the installer needs more memory or more time to complete (settings you can tweak in php.ini).

Hi there,

There are additional steps to this upgrade which are highlighted in the Release Notes below.

As we have revamped the Email Client you need to resync your IMAP accounts with SuiteCRM as we have made the prodominent table that older versions used (email_cache) redundant now.

Please check out these additional steps and then let us know how you get on.

Hi Samus

OK so I followed the instructionsā€¦

When I try to syn email I get :

Sync Inbound Email Account. This may take several minutes. Going away from this page will not cancel the process, so feel free to move on or wait for confirmationā€¦
Processing ā€˜Techā€™ Inbound Email Accountā€¦
0 record updated
Done Processing Inbound Email Accounts
IMAP errors detected

If I try to use the add function to add an email address on this screen in the screenshot below, nothing happensā€¦:outbound works. But not for inbound.

Following is the last several lines from my suitecrm.log which seems to indicate some issues. Would you be able to guide me to fixing these?

As a matter of note. The mail server I am using does present cert errors even though I am not using SSL. When I try to change the monitored inboxes I get this:

This is my email setup - note no SSL selected.

I am unsure if this is relevant to the issues I am having. However I thought I would mention it just in case. Although it is hard to adjust email settings with this issue. Weā€™re on shared hosting so itā€™s a tricky problem to address as our domain name will not match the servers domain name.

Thanks for your help.


Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][ERROR] IMAP error detected: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN
Tue May 30 08:02:26 2017 [25359][1][ERROR] IMAP error detected: Client tried to access nonexistent namespace. (Mailbox name should probably be prefixed with: INBOX.) (0.001 + 0.000 secs).

As a side note.

I seem to be having very similar issues to the author of this:


I posted too quick, seems like there is a small delay in the logging.

Here is the last few lines of my suitecrm.log

Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][ERROR] IMAP error detected: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN
Tue May 30 08:18:19 2017 [81691][1][ERROR] IMAP error detected: Client tried to access nonexistent namespace. (Mailbox name should probably be prefixed with: INBOX.) (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
Tue May 30 08:21:02 2017 [91574][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Tue May 30 08:21:02 2017 [91574][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates for emails_email_templates failed to load

Tue May 30 08:21:02 2017 [91574][1][FATAL] Failed to load relationship emails_email_templates while saving Emails


I am having the exact same problem. Empty email view.

I have had success by editing the email accounts within [Profile] and reselecting the ā€œMonitored Foldersā€, ā€œTrashā€ and ā€œSentā€ folders again. This seems to repopulate the appropriate fields allows the Email Centre to show.

So it would be lovely to be able to even be able to edit the email settings under profile. However when I click add (because I need to add the email account) I get nothing at all. But I do have this in the error_log:

[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:17:45 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:31 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 392
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393
[14-Jun-2017 09:20:32 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home1/l5y9y2w4/public_html/crmregent/modules/Emails/EmailUI.php on line 393

Again, I am going to leave this upgraded to see if we can make progress. However, I cannot leave it long term as we do not have the option for a test system. So if anyone has any relatively quick ideas, it would be much appreciated!


And againā€¦

I am also seeing this in the suitecrm_log

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] Failed to load relationship emails_email_templates while saving Emails
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] Failed to load relationship emails_email_templates while saving Emails
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] Failed to load relationship emails_email_templates while saving Emails
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates_idb for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] Failed to load relationship emails_email_templates while saving Emails
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] IMAP error detected: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN

A bunch of us are hoping that the kind folks at SuiteCRM will post a script or procedure that would downgrade an upgraded database to an 7.8.4 structure - so that we can get back to 7.84 (which is LTS) and which kicks serious ass.

Itā€™s tough as itā€™s basically bricked for us.

And some more!

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][FATAL] Failed to load relationship emails_email_templates while saving Emails
Wed Jun 14 09:19:01 2017 [511165][1][ERROR] IMAP error detected: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN
Wed Jun 14 09:30:02 2017 [515733][1][ERROR] Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates
Wed Jun 14 09:30:02 2017 [515733][1][FATAL] emails_email_templates for emails_email_templates failed to load

Wed Jun 14 09:30:02 2017 [515733][1][FATAL] Failed to load relationship emails_email_templates while saving Emails

This seems to give a little more information. I am not using SSL with the imap account. I am unsure if this is part of the issue?



I did a backup of the folder in which suite is installed and also the DB. I find it relatively easy to restore it all back. As long as you remember to set the permissions again after copying back.

Itā€™s the only way I can do this, because you are right, for me itā€™s pretty much bricked and I cannot wait as long as it takes to get ideas on fixing it. Itā€™s community support so itā€™s fair enough, but we use this system live atm.


These bugs are fixed in 7.9.1, which should be coming out any day now (it was meant for past Monday, but is a bit delayed).

philemery, forget about a downgrade script, youā€™re never going to get one. There is only going back to backups (or VM snapshots) if an upgrade doesnā€™t work right for youā€¦ if you missed taking care of that, thereā€™s simply no good alternative. I understand your frustration, Iā€™ve made many sysadmin errors in my life, and some of them were a real pain.

Your solution is simply going to have to be 7.9.1., Iā€™m afraidā€¦

1 Like

Hey pgr

Well, no. That is good news and I can certainly wait for a few days.

Thanks very much for the info!



I come from being a long time (since 1.5) Wordpress user and upgrades there are painless so never even considered backing up the DB first (I will with SuiteCRM now). Keep in mind that Iā€™m not able to do business.

Not sure if they just donā€™t want to spend the time of a downgrade - which is fair (although Iā€™ve been getting much more familiar with mySQL trying - so I guess there is that) or if itā€™s an admitting that 7.9 was not a great plan, but I think many folks are in this boat.

Sure wish I didnā€™t upgradeā€¦

In general Iā€™ve learned to accept thereā€™s going to be issues that might not get resolved overnight and that would be unrealistic in most cases, especially more or less community developed software like this. So in general Iā€™ve been happy with SuiteCRM given the low cost and appreciate they are adding new features and fixing bugs on an ongoing basis.

However, two recent decisions have given me pause.

  1. The whole Suite-P theme decision/design/strategy. Iā€™m not quite sure what the significant actual benefits there are. For me at least SuiteR was doing just fine. I havenā€™t seen any specific benefits detailed anywhere. To me, being able to say itā€™s now based on Bootstrap, or ā€œit looks more modernā€ or whatever, isnā€™t really a benefit. To me itā€™s a step backwards in screen layout from a usability / user efficiency standpoint.

  2. Why was 7.9.0 left up for download and not taken down when serious issues were discovered? If you use the email client in Suite, and you upgraded, you would quickly find out you couldnā€™t reply to or forward any messages. I would have immediately changed itā€™s status back to Beta once these things were discovered unless a new version was going to be released within 24 hours or so. Think of the poor souls that came along and downloaded it after these issues were discovered!? Yes, bugs are common in .0 versions but when the bugs have the potential of rendering key areas of the software unusable to the point a business canā€™t use it, then thatā€™s another matter.

I think us as users need to take some responsibility though. I think one thing we all can do is try to create separate test instances of our Suite installs and databases and more frequently participate in the Beta releases so we can help these guys out with ironing out the major bugs BEFORE it goes into production release.

1 Like

Hey pgr.

So am I missing something? I upgraded to 7.9.1

Followed the instructions. And still no email!!!

You currently have no records saved. CREATE or Import one now.

Is what I am seeing!! This is the same error I had with 7.9.0. Nothing has changed!

NOW When I go to profile/settings. All it does is redirect me back to the users listing and I see the log full of the below

Unable to find relationship emails_email_templates

Any thoughts before I yet again roll this back?
