After upgrade from 7.6.2 to 7.7.8, still shows the old style (Layouts)

Hi ,

Upgraded the SuiteCRM from 7.6.2 to 7.7.8. it is upgraded successfully without any issue but the problem is still show the old layout example blue header instead of black one and logo also same.

I did a Quick Repair and Rebuild but still same only. Please guide me to resolve this.

When I click the About it shows like below

But still the old layouts.

I think that, for each user, you have to go to the preferences, then the themes tab and select the new theme. You can do this as admin (you have access to each users’ preferences) so that you don’t have to log in and out several times (once per user).

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it’s always a todo after un upgrade :

clear browser cache
clear cache folder


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Hi amariussi,

Thanks for your reply.

After change the Theme as a Admin. Now login page seems Ok but all other still same old layout.

Cleared browser cache.

What does it mean clear cache folder? I need delete the contents of cache folder or just Quick Repair and Rebuild?

Better if you do both:
. quick repair and rebuild: among other things this removes and rebuilds stuff from the SuiteCRM cache folder
. clear browser cache: first try with Ctr-F5 and, if it is not sufficient then try via the browser settings

Follow above order

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Thanks for your reply,

Resolved my issue. Go to Admin->Themes->deselect all other themes except SuiteP and Quick Repair and Rebuild. Thats it you can get the new version.