After upgrade 7.9.10 - .11 now php errors

after upgrade, on the home page, header and sidebars load fine. In the white area now get

Warning: require_once(custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/facebook/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/fccphil/public_html/crm/include/social/facebook/facebook.class.php on line 10

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/facebook/config.php’ (include_path=’/home/fccphil/public_html/crm:/home/fccphil/public_html/crm/include/HTMLPurifier/standalone:/home/fccphil/public_html/crm/include/…:.:/opt/php70/lib/php’) in /home/fccphil/public_html/crm/include/social/facebook/facebook.class.php on line 10

did all the usual repair stuff

On a bog standard Shared Hosting (high end Hostgator account) php 7, no mods

Seems like SuiteCRM is broken more than it works

wow - totally messed up

Users not showing email addresses

Go to users, select user, edit user, no email next to “email address” (there was one before.

Click on the orange plus sign next to email address, goes back to users list.


Sorry Phil, I missed this thread until now.

On Admin / Connectors / Enable Connectors you can try disabling the Facebook connectors, let’s see if that magically solves everything.

I am assuming you already tried a few Repairs from Admin / Repair.

Tell me how it goes, good luck

HI - nothing was enabled. It’s a fresh install - nothing except the core functionality was enabled.