After the installation I can see only links, nothing works properly

I`ve installed SuitCRM 7.5.3 without any warnings or error messages but it simply does not want to work. I can not understand what is wrong. Here is the php.ini Help me to solve this problem, please.

That looks like something has gone wrong with the CSS.

First can you check permissions are correct. The files in the suite crm directory should be owned by your Apache user and have 755 permissions, except the files in the cache,custom,modules, themes, data, upload directories and config_override which require 775.

So for example if your Apache user is www-data you would go to your Suite directory and run the following commands ([color=#ff0000]please make sure you are inside the Suite directory before running these commands, as if you run them in the wrong place you may end up messing up all the permissions in your operating system[/color])

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

After you have made certain permissions are correct can you go to admin then click the repair then the repair and rebuild link. This should hopefully fix css and clear any cached files.

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