After migration from 7.12.5 to 8.2.0 showing errors on module which have data

Hi all

I have migrated our development CRM Instance ( 7.12.5 version ) to SuiteCRM 8.2.0 using the migration zip recently provided. All steps as per the document were performed and got successful at each step.
CRM also working and I can create, and view the records of Notes, Leads modules, etc.

But facing an issue with the Account module. This module has many fields created by vardefs, studio, etc, and many relationships too. Having many records as well in this module.

When I click on the Account module then I am getting the below error.

Once Opened GraphQL Error in the new tab, Shows this.

In Migration finalize steps executed this - ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade-finalize
The keep mode is used by default.

Changed in .env → APP_ENV=qa
Nothing is showing in Apache Error Logs
Nothing is showing in SuiteCRM Logs

@clemente.raposo @pgr