Is their any solution about hot reload. Mean after changes in angular dont need to run build command again and again ??
I don’t think there are alternatives, no. When working on front-end you need more discipline to make several changes before testing them running. At least that’s what I try to do, whereas when I am working on back-end I don’t mind continuously re-testing things.
How long is your build taking?
@pgr Ok, When i make build its take 3 minutes and 35.seconds. Any way to make build process optimize
Mine runs in under a minute. It is useful to have a lot of RAM.
I have 48GB , although I would say that 24 should suffice…
8GB is not really good for a development machine. And Angular is very memory-hungry at this scale. So is PhpStorm or any modern IDE handling such a big project.
Anyway, the RAM you have on your machine might not all be available to the compilation process, sometimes you need further care to ensure it’s getting access to RAM, depending on where it’s running (in my case, inside a WSL Ubuntu VM).
oh Great @pgr, i would change my memory Thank you