After Configuring Email sending my quotation is not working

I have configured my email outbound with SMTP server and inbound with POP3.
The email module is working perfectly.
I have created a PDF Template too.
But when I use the option such as,
– Print PDF
– Email PDF
– Email Quotation
From my Quotation module it gives me a blank screen.

Hi Sanket,

Can you check for any β€˜null’ fields in studio? Also, this could be permissions. Have you turned on errors to display in the CRM to see if there is an error which may suggest where the generate PDF code is failing?



Hi Will,
what is observe after upgrading from sugarcrm CE 6.5.16 to suitecrm 7.1.2 the quotes module does not generate the pdf file
the option such as print pdf, email pdf, email quotation shows white screen.

the other modules such as account, contact, leads, invoice etc it generate a letter or pdf file and we can email too…

only the quotes module is giving a problem.

We’re experiencing the same thing. Has there been a discernible solution to this issue.