Advice for email campaign

Hi all,

I’m going to start with my first email campaign to reach out for potential customers.

The campaign is setup and will be running each week. Also I will receive each week new data to add to the subscription list.

Now I’m not sure how to setup this, meaning the email may only send out once to the subscription list members, does this means I need to remove the old subscription list each week and add a new subscription list with the new data. If so does the campaign keep all the info of the weeks before or can I just add the new data in the existing subscription list.

I’ll hope this was clear and would like to see you advice on this matter.

Hello glTds,

You do not need to add different subscription lists unless the members in the list changes.

To send different subscription mails you need to set up different ‘marketing emails’. In the campaign detail view, there is a subpanel named ‘marketing emails’, here you need to create different marketing emails for different subscription. When you create a marketing email you can select which template (matter) you want to send.

Yes, Suite does keep record of all the marketing emails you send out. In the campaign details page on the top right corner there is a button called ‘View Status’, here you can select from a dropdown which marketing email reports you want to see or for all also.

Hope this clarifies your query !!

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Ok this makes sense,
So if I understand this right, as i’m using always the same campaign with the same email template but the member change each week.
Thus removing and adding subscription list.
And I don’t lose the campaign details.

Thank you for this quit response

Well that totally depends on the strategy you device for your campaigns but what you said above is correct.

You don’t even need to remove subscription lists. While creating marketing emails you’re given an option to choose both, the target list as well as the email template, and Suite will maintain all the details, so you can have everything under one roof.