Advanced OpenPortal Joomla Extension

To get AOP to work with Joomla, you need the extension. AOP is listed everywhere as open source, however on the Sales Agility page it is only listed as accessible as paid. How do we acquire the Joomla Extension to make AOP function?

Hi doggiedaddy1,

The Joomla component for AOP is available to download for SuiteCRM here.




dear friends
how i can install joomla open portal?
what is pre requirement for it?:frowning: :frowning:

Hi Azade,

The Joomla component is available on the downloads page. You will need to download the component for your version (2.x or 3.x).

You then need to specify the configuration options by navigating to Components -> Advanced Open Portal within Joomla.



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The links above are broken, it seems the download page has moved to

I’m also a bit lost on this topic, trying to install AOP Portal in SuiteCRM. I have the Bitnami preinstalled SuiteCRM virtual machine, so it’s hard to know what exactly is running there. But it seems to me that I need to go through all of these steps:

  1. Install Joomla from . Make sure you get the 64-bit version if your linux is 64.bit.

  2. In your brand new joomla site, Install the Joomla component for AOP available from Suite CRM (

  3. Link each module to the other one as explained by Will here:

But somewhere in the middle of this, something completely broke my SugarCRM install, I’m full of “Strict” php errors now. Off I go debugging… : - (

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I’am trying to install SuiteCRM with Joomla open portal since a few days, and can’t get it working.

Everythings installed fine, I can log in my joomla site, log in my suiteCRM.
I installed open portal extension, set right parameters in both joomla and suiteCRM.

But when i click on “create portal user”, my entire web server gets stuck. After a while I see an error:

(mod_fastcgi.c.2676) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Warning: file_get_contents(http://localhost:84/index.php?option=com_advancedopenportal&task=create&sug=294afd33-3da6-4d41-064d-56e6c11022f1): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in /var/www/SuiteCRM/SuiteCRM/modules/Contacts/createPortalUser.php on line 38
PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/SuiteCRM/SuiteCRM/modules/Contacts/createPortalUser.php on line 40
PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/SuiteCRM/SuiteCRM/modules/Contacts/createPortalUser.php on line 41

but can’t see any error from Joomla…

I’m using web server lighttpd.

How can I debug this ?


Hello is anyone knowing if AOP working with Joomla 3.6.5 ? I would like to know if any peple have this working with Joomla and how it works there? :dry:

Any tips appreciated!


Yes it works.
Did you installed by the tutorial?

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Thanks will test this later with stable Joomla 3.8 and restful web services CAPI