Advanced OpenPortal Help Required

Just looking at this addin that has been included by default and I have a couple of issues. -

  1. We don’t currently have a Joomla site. I’ve entered a temporary site address for testing. Is Joomla a requirement? Is there a Wordpress plugin available?
  2. Every time I try to create a portal user I get this error - “Failed to create portal user”. Does a contact need to have certain fields completed to create a portal user? Or could this be related to me not using a Joomla URL in 1.?

If anyone could help me out a bit I’d be grateful.


for AOP to work correctly there needs to be a portal installed currently there is only a Joomla component for AOP from SalesAgility. meaning that Joomla is required for AOP to work, This does not mean there is not a WordPress plugin which would work as a portal, but it may or may not work with AOP within SuiteCRM.


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Ok thanks!

Hello John,

Here is another customer support portal that is mobile device compatible and based on Core PHP, so you can easily add your custom module with few modification.

Here’s a Wordpress plugin that might also help?

SugarCRM/SuiteCRM Customer Portal

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