Advanced filter is not displayed in the projects module

Hello everyone.
I have a problem with my CRM, I have upgraded from version 7.12.7 to 7.14.5 with the 7.14.5 Upgrade from 7.12.x installation package from Upgrade SuiteCRM - SuiteCRM but it caused me several problems
1.- When I open the projects module for the first time, the list is displayed correctly, but when I open the filter modal and select Advanced Filter, it is displayed blank and after reloading the page, the project list table is no longer displayed.

I was able to observe that when performing this action of selecting the filter, an update is performed on the user_preferences table record

2.- Sometimes when I log in to the CRM, it shows me the screen to configure preferences as if the user were logging in for the first time

I deleted the contents of the user_preferences table to configure the user profiles from scratch, but it continues with the same behavior.
To see the projects again I have to reset the profile and sometimes it loads an old profile configuration
If anyone has an idea how I can solve this please.

Greetings to all and thanks!

Ubuntu Server 20.04
PHP 8.2
Mysql 8

Do you have any errors in the log files?

Did you check permissions and ownership of files.

In the Apache and SuiteCRM logs, there is no error displayed when querying projects. I could only see an update to the user_preferences table in the “content” field where the information is encoded in base 64
The compatibility matrix complies with the requirements for version 7.14.5

I will review the directory permissions according to the documentation

Sure, let us know once you tried it out.

Do you by any chance have the created by, assigned to or modifed by fields added in the advanced filter [you can check this in studio]. If you do can you remove them from the advanced filter and try again