Hello everyone.
I have a problem with my CRM, I have upgraded from version 7.12.7 to 7.14.5 with the 7.14.5 Upgrade from 7.12.x installation package from Upgrade SuiteCRM - SuiteCRM but it caused me several problems
1.- When I open the projects module for the first time, the list is displayed correctly, but when I open the filter modal and select Advanced Filter, it is displayed blank and after reloading the page, the project list table is no longer displayed.
I was able to observe that when performing this action of selecting the filter, an update is performed on the user_preferences table record
2.- Sometimes when I log in to the CRM, it shows me the screen to configure preferences as if the user were logging in for the first time
I deleted the contents of the user_preferences table to configure the user profiles from scratch, but it continues with the same behavior.
To see the projects again I have to reset the profile and sometimes it loads an old profile configuration
If anyone has an idea how I can solve this please.
Greetings to all and thanks!
Ubuntu Server 20.04
PHP 8.2
Mysql 8