Admin Menu UI: configurable field/panel display logic (based of fields / values)


I often get the feedback / see this in other systems / find it reasonable to have some conditional logic on fields.

E. g., while working on an opportunity, one would be going through the different sales stages.
Per sales stage, there could be different fields that need to be filled.

Hence, it would be nice to have layout rules.
If dropdown = abc
Show fields a, b, c (or hide entire section, or similar)
If dropdown = def
Show fields a, b, c AND d, e, f.

Another layout logic rule could be:
If field a = x
field y = read only

I know, that can be accomplished by customizations.
But that, as a config / admin feature would probably make the CRM overall more feature rich and benefit the end user experience, since it would be possible to hide unnecessary fields / clutter from view in early stages of leads, opportunities, etc.

I’ve seen quite a few requests for that kind of feature coming back again and again:

Hey @BastianHammer,

Isn’t this what “field display logic” does?

Or do you mean to that it should be configurable on the UI?

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Hello Anthony,

both times, yes. :slight_smile:

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I have been wanting this type of functionality without having to incorporate yet another addon, which I have several. (I think they have often have potential for CRM issues, conflicts etc ) . The addon I have considered is: Dynamic Panels | SuiteCRM Module

Good to know there is a way to do it. It does look a bit challenging though.

Hey @dwaynecasey,

Yup need to have some technical knowledge. The new Developer Insights videos help quite a bit.

You can up-vote this suggestion to increase its priority, and get it on the UI

Anyway, consider watching the videos on these blog posts, they can give some hints:

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Thanks @BastianHammer, got it :+1:

@BastianHammer suggestion:

I think its worth changing the post title to specify that is UI based. Maybe something like:

  • “Admin Menu UI configurable field/panel display logic”
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Thanks. Sounds good, I’ve added / updated the title.

Hello @BastianHammer , We have developed an extensions to support that. Admin can easy to config without coding. If you interested you can try with our plugin MTS Dynamic View plugin

thanks for this.

Nothing against your extension.
But as dwaynecasey already wrote, I prefer to reduce / avoid extensions as much as possible for all sorts of reasons (upgrade / conflicts / etc.).

Thank you. Good solution that safe for upgrade