Address Groups

SuiteCRM has a lot of potential, beyond the Target to Contact progression of marketing, as a small business messaging platform. I find the ability to relate clients to activities over time to be incredibly valuable. However, the lack of creating personal address book entries–namely group lists–causes plenty of troubles.

So, create per-user personal address books with group lists. :slight_smile:

Ok, this functionality is partially available, and it wouldn’t take much to add a nice feature.

Currently, group mailing is available by selecting accounts OR contacts OR leads OR targets on the related details view, and selecting “Email” from the drop down action button.

It is not possible to:

  1. select contacts, leads, or member organizations from account detail view
  2. select leads from contact detail view
  3. select from more than one list
  4. specify a target list in an e-mail to: cc: or bcc: fields
  5. select any account, contact, lead, or target, and add to a new target list
  6. select any from an standard SuiteCRM search
  7. select any from an Advanced OpenDiscovery Search

These limitations mean it is not possible to do a routing task like e-mailing all member organizations, without creating a campaign and target list. While it may be possible to e-mail a contact and a lead, the manual “Select Email recipients” is arduous.

Therefore, the following proposal would likely give most of this functionality while requiring the least amount of programming.

  1. Add a “add to new target list” option, without leaving the current account, contact, lead, or target list/detail view
  2. Add the same drop down action button to account and contact detail views under Contacts, Leads, and Member Organizations
  3. Allow target lists to be searchable and select-able, as a whole list, in “Select Email Recipients”

Later on, it would be nice to add these drop down actions to search results, and “add to new target list” for any new email, using the list of manually added address.

Obviously, this is depending heavily on target lists, which are visible to all users. The ideal scenario would be private target lists, or a new module that functions as an address book. But, anything would be a helpful start!

Hope this helps sum it up.
