An error message comes up each time we try to add fields in Studio saying it is an empty value. We want to add Exhibitions to our Lead Source description.
Any solutions?
An error message comes up each time we try to add fields in Studio saying it is an empty value. We want to add Exhibitions to our Lead Source description.
Any solutions?
Are you trying to make the default value of the Lead Descriptions text area? Or are you wanting to add this to the Lead Source drop down?
I was trying to add another field in Studio which I would put near the Lead Description source, then I would make it a dropdown and populate with Exhibitions we have attended.
I was able to do this by using these steps:
Clicking Add Field, select a data type of “Dropdown”, give it a field name, display label, clicking add for the drop down list, give the drop down a name, add some values, save the drop down, then save the field.
Are these the steps you used?
No. Studio, Select Module to Edit (Leads), Fields, Add Field and get Error Message below.
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in C:\SuiteCRM\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\modules\ModuleBuilder\views\view.modulefield.php on line 154
{“east”:{“title”:“Edit Field”,“crumb”:"",“content”:"
Assume I am doing something wrong.
Edit your php.ini file and set display_errors to off.
Sorry where do I find that?
Bring up your XAMPP control panel, then click on the config button for Apache. You will see an option called “php.ini”. That is what you are looking for. When the file opens, look for a setting that says “display_errors = On” and set it to Off. You want the display_errors without a “;” in front of it.
Once you have made the change and saved the file, stop and start Apache.
In my programmes I don’t seem to have XAMPP. We use an RDS.
The error message you added in the tread mentions XAMPP in the string. Where is the site hosted? And what is the operating system of that machine?