Adding custome field type

I am trying to make custome field type using this

I have followed all steps but unable to see the colorpicker field in field type.

Please guide me.

Made a module ‘Create Ad’

Steps i did it:

Tutoriol step1: Add file to custom/modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/TemplateColourPicker.php

My Step: I could’nt find the path go to custom/modules/Create Ad/templates/Fields/TemplateColourPicker.php ,so i made folders and added TemplateColourPicker.php in it.

custom/modules/Create Ad/templates/Fields/TemplateColourPicker.php

Tutoriol step 2.add file to custom/Extensionmodules/ModuleBuilder/Ext/Language/en_us.ColourPicker.php

My Step same i could not find custom/Extensionmodules/ModuleBuilder/Ext/Language so i made it and added en_us.ColourPicker.php.

What i have done wrong?