Adding custom module to global search

We’re having some trouble getting our custom modules to work in global search. Our database uses only custom modules made using the “Basic” template, so we ran into the issue (discussed elsewhere in these forums) that causes unified search to be deactivated by default. By manually changing that field in the module builder files and re-deploying, we were able to get the global name field search working with every module but one.

As far as I can tell, the problem with that module is that its name field wasn’t appearing in its vardefs files. This was the only field in the database that wasn’t edited before its initial deployment (we forgot to check the Audit box), which might be why that happened. I tried copying another file’s Name field info into this module’s vardefs, both in the deployed module and in the module builder file, which I then re-deployed. No luck with either.

Anyone have ideas? On a related note, if anyone knows of an easy way to add the other fields in those custom modules into global search, I’m all ears. :slight_smile:
