Adding a field from Accounts to a Contact detail screen in Studio

Can’t quite Grasp this one:

On the contact Screen it shows the Account name associated with that customer. I also want to add another field from the Account Database to the Contacts detail screen called “account_type” its a dropdown.

In contacts->Fields I select Add field and use the “Relate” type and select Accounts at the bottom. I put the field name from accounts (account_type) in Field Name.

The Contact screen will not display the data from the account_type dropdown field.

In my Contact Layout Detail, there is a field called “Account Name” that links to the correct account – So I know there’s a relationship – I can’t find any reference to tho this Account Name field – or any properties I can copy for the other fields from the account screen that I want in the contact screen.

I feel like I’ve look everywhere.

Did you resolve this issue? I am having the issue.

No. Nothing.