Add search custom module

How can I add my custom module to my search?
thank you very much

Are you asking about Global Search?

Yes, it’s the top search

Please go to Admin>>Advance Search and add the module which you want

I did not find my custom module here. . .

All the module should appear over here in “Admin>>Global Search” . To add your custom module please follow this guide explained in the post

I read this post carefully.
There is indeed a problem with the subject. When searching, the keywords are not searched, but all the items in the module are displayed.

This method has failed.
I don’t know if there is any other way. Thank you very much.

the last options is to Join me via skype. I can take a look with you if it make sense. Because this saves time and effort and i can check the things instantly.


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Hi dear

Now I faced exactly the same problem as @copyyour2019
Did you manage to achieve the result?


so thank @suitecrm_developer
He help me find fix
Fixed if go to custom/modules/my_module/metadata/SearchFields.php
and little change code to
‘name’ =>
array (
‘query_type’ => ‘default’,


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