I’ve been trying to add a preview button to an image file in detail view - similar to what already exists in the document view. I’m not even sure of the nomenclature for it - what type of button is this?

I can tell this is a glyphicon and that it refers to the index.php?preview function - but I don’t know how to call that function or how to place it.
I can see that in the index.php - this is the line that produces the preview icon
/a href=“index.php?preview=yes&entryPoint=download&id=9ff8840d-bf38-eddd-cc15-5f6aa52f0a60&type=Documents” class=“tabDetailViewDFLink” target=“_blank” style=“border-bottom: 0px;”>
/i class=“glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open”>
Is the image file already uploaded into the module records? I mean are you able to upload images from Edit view of the module? Or are you using the document module related to your custom module?
How is the current situation? I can suggest you a best possible thing to preview the images. But you have to clear these points.
Sorry yes. It is in the contacts module - I have added a custom image field. On the detail view, it shows the image itself. I would like the users to be able to either click on the image to open in a new browser or have the glyphicon to allow the same. The idea is to allow them to zoom in on the photo instead of a static size.
The image upload is no problem. I’m just looking for similar utility to the document module.
in the view.detail.php file you have to play with the image link.
If you are saving the link into database, then it is simple to add HTML for it and then put the preview ICON.
So can you add the link like this
Here is sample previous HTML::
<a href="index.php?preview=yes&entryPoint=download&id=db83cd6b-4675-5798-0b4e-5f5b573f7250&type=Documents" class="tabDetailViewDFLink" target="_blank" style="border-bottom: 0px;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></a>
Thanks, hopefully you will get an idea about what i am saying.
thanks for your help, but I don’t think I understand. There is no image link in the view.detail.php. I’ll just tell the users it’s not possible.