I can’t see any major issues with what you’ve posted.
However, you mention that your logic hook file is in the location: /custom/Extension/Contacts/Ext/LogicHooks/
I believe that, normally, they’d be in the location:
/custom/Extension/ modules /Contacts/Ext/LogicHooks/
If the Logic hook files aren’t in the: /custom/Extension/ modules /Contacts/Ext/LogicHooks/
location, then im unsure as to whether they will work are not.
Also, Might I ask what it is you are trying to achieve using this Logic Hook? From what I can see you’re trying to add a “View on Calender” button, but where are you trying to add this? (i.e, List view, Detail view, etc…?)
Yes sorry my file is in the location :
/custom/Extension/ modules /Contacts/Ext/LogicHooks/
In fact, i have many hooks which works that’s the only one which is not working and i build this hook exactly as the same way as the others.
With this hook I’m trying to make a reminder for bithday date if the field is fill. I created my own reminder module.
The problem is, i can’t make this from a view I need to make this after saving.
And yes it seems similar to the guide written by Jim, because I have followed his guide to create my hooks.