Add extension in the navbar

Using SuiteCRM-8.7.1-dev
I need to create a new extension as a custom button in the navbar.

  • I tried making changes in the base-navbar.component.html file, but after rebuilding, nothing was updated on the SuiteCRM site. Is it not possible to make changes in this part, or is there a different way to do it?

  • In the default extension, we have <scrm-widget-panel></scrm-widget-panel>. Where can I find the full list of available tags? I need to add something like a button or a similar element.

I don’t think this actually needs to be declared, you can just go ahead and use your own tag (if I am not mistaken):

    Occurrences of 'scrm-widget-panel' in Project
Found occurrences in Project  (9 usages found)
    Unclassified  (8 usages found)
        Suite8  (8 usages found)
            core/app/core/src/lib/containers/sidebar-widget/components/chart-sidebar-widget  (2 usages found)
                chart-sidebar-widget.component.html  (2 usages found)
                    28 <scrm-widget-panel [title]="this.title" *ngIf="(vm$ | async) as vm">
                    71 </scrm-widget-panel>
            core/app/core/src/lib/containers/sidebar-widget/components/history-sidebar-widget  (2 usages found)
                history-sidebar-widget.component.html  (2 usages found)
                    28 <scrm-widget-panel [title]="getHeaderLabel()">
                    122 </scrm-widget-panel>
            core/app/core/src/lib/containers/sidebar-widget/components/record-thread-sidebar-widget  (2 usages found)
                record-thread-sidebar-widget.component.html  (2 usages found)
                    28 <scrm-widget-panel [mode]="panelMode" [title]="getHeaderLabel()">
                    42 </scrm-widget-panel>
            core/app/core/src/lib/containers/sidebar-widget/components/statistics-sidebar-widget  (2 usages found)
                statistics-sidebar-widget.component.html  (2 usages found)
                    28 <scrm-widget-panel [title]="getHeaderLabel()">
                    34 </scrm-widget-panel>
    Usage in string constants  (1 usage found)
        Suite8  (1 usage found)
            core/app/core/src/lib/components/widget-panel  (1 usage found)
                widget-panel.component.ts  (1 usage found)
                    32 selector: 'scrm-widget-panel',

Classic HTML allows the use of any tag. I think HTLM% has restrictions but that’s probably beside the point here - you use your tag, reference it where you need it, and that should be ok.

Try it and tell me if I’m mistaken :slight_smile:

If you review the first part of my question, I already tried this, but none of the changes are reflected.

So maybe there is another command to rebuild the project after making changes in the folder?

OR maybe you simply need to run clear symfony cache command and Empty cache and hard reload on the browser. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Clear Symfony cache:

php bin/console cache:clear

Yes, this is what I did, removed all cache folder contents manually, ran php bin/console cache:clear command, and refreshed the browser with a hard reload.

Maybe you will find something helpful here:

Which command did you use to rebuild? I assumed you had rebuilt everything, but maybe not.

There’s core, common, shell and defaultExt to rebuild, depending on what you change.

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Run the Build Commands Sequentially: Build the frontend common, core, and shell packages in the specified order. Execute the following commands one by one:

yarn run build:common
yarn run build:core
yarn run build:shell

Here’s a brief explanation of what each command does:

  • yarn run build:common: This command builds the common package, which likely contains shared components, utilities, or libraries used across other parts of your project.
  • yarn run build:core: This command builds the core package, which is essential for the main functionality of your project.
  • yarn run build:shell: This command builds the shell package, which may contain the main application shell or entry point for your project.

Yes, this is working. Thank you all!