I tried making changes in the base-navbar.component.html file, but after rebuilding, nothing was updated on the SuiteCRM site. Is it not possible to make changes in this part, or is there a different way to do it?
In the default extension, we have <scrm-widget-panel></scrm-widget-panel>. Where can I find the full list of available tags? I need to add something like a button or a similar element.
Classic HTML allows the use of any tag. I think HTLM% has restrictions but that’s probably beside the point here - you use your tag, reference it where you need it, and that should be ok.
Yes, this is what I did, removed all cache folder contents manually, ran php bin/console cache:clear command, and refreshed the browser with a hard reload.
Run the Build Commands Sequentially: Build the frontend common, core, and shell packages in the specified order. Execute the following commands one by one:
yarn run build:common
yarn run build:core
yarn run build:shell
Here’s a brief explanation of what each command does:
yarn run build:common: This command builds the common package, which likely contains shared components, utilities, or libraries used across other parts of your project.
yarn run build:core: This command builds the core package, which is essential for the main functionality of your project.
yarn run build:shell: This command builds the shell package, which may contain the main application shell or entry point for your project.