Add Dashlets Missing after 7.0.1 Upgrade From 7.0

Hi Guys,

After upgrading to 7.0.1 Add Dashlets to Homepage button is missing.

Any idea’s?



Hi Matt Hart,



Thanks Will,

Found it.

Was having the same problem until a found this link and thought it was straighforward thereafter:

However, here’s the behavior I’m witnessing:

  1. As administrator

a) None of dashlet controls on home page (delete, refresh, edit) respond to user input, nor is any feedback received?

  1. Same goes for Home -> Add Dashlets to add a dashlet

When the above did not work I created a new test user

I was able to get into it and see dialog screen during my first login session. However, from there after its the same as the administrative user above.

System is setup to globally allow user’s to modify home page as well.

Update: I’ve narrowed it down to the Browser UI.

Problems I’m having are within Google Chrome Version 30.0.1599.101

But works fine in a deprecated Browser such as IE 8 - go figure?

In Chrome, dug deeper in setup (allowed popups etc) but to no avail. I’ll run a javascript profiler/ debugger session tommorow to see if I can provided additional clarification.


After running javascript debugger in Chrome, turns out was sloppy error on my part for not setting 755 chmod permissions recursively. AjaxUI/Javascript functions (deletedashlet,updatedashlet etc) where not working because of permissions).

ALthough still perplexed as to why it was working under mozilla ui.