Add dashlate not working

http://localhost/crm/index.php?action=DynamicAction&DynamicAction=displayDashlet&session_commit=1&module=Home&to_pdf=1&id= 3e2e9eb9-e35a-909e-9243-6128ac006d93

when we hit the above URL, it will show a 500 error. please do need full.

Hey @sid1

Help us to help you. When you ask these questions, give as much description as possible. Better yet, include a screenshot/video clip of issues you see.

When you reference a localhost we can’t see what you see, so please detail your steps in a formatted way.

Ok. Problem 1. You are hitting a 500 error.
Step 1. Look at the PHP error.log to see what is causing that 500 error. Can you let us know what it says?

In error log
“PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘’ (include_path=’/var/www/html/crm:/var/www/html/crm/include/…:.:/usr/share/php’) in /var/www/html/crm/include/MySugar/MySugar.php on line 173, referer: http://localhost/crm/index.php?module=Home&action=index

Ok so it’s saying it can’t find the path ‘’ Which is understandable… there is nothing there to find.

Did you edit this log to post on the forums? If we know what ‘’ is then that is where the problem is.