add custom action in opportunities menu

Hi to all, i’ve a issue that i’m trying to fix. I want to add a custom action in the submenu of Opportunities. so i’ve follow this guide:


But when i click on the button i’ve made it shows me the error:
there is no action with the name “configuratore”.

so here is my code:

global $module_menu;

// This will add the new option
$module_menu[]=Array("index.php?module=Opportunities&action=configuratore", "Configuratore", "Opportunities");



class OpportunitiesController extends SugarController {

    function action_configuratore(){
        echo "ciao";

The reason of doing this is because i’ve made an entrypoint and i want to put this entry point in the menu.

i really don’t get what i’m missing.

There is a easyer way to do that? i’m looking for like a day


If this is in the ListView then this example will apply

You will have to adapt it, of course. But I know that one works.

About your own code: if you make a registered entrypoint, you access it directly, just the php file name, without “module” and “action”. If you want to make it a module action there are several ways to achieve it, not all modules use the same system (with or without controller etc). I am not a specialist in this, I am afraid.

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thanks for the answer, actually i just want to put my entry point in the submenu, so if i click on the button it will redirect me to the entry point. i’ve tried to put in the $module_menu[] the entry point but after the repair the visual link is so broken so i want to figure out how to put this entry point in the submenu

btw i’ve followed this but it doesn’t work at all. I will try for something different