Activity Subpanel "Compose Email" Button Duplicated

Not sure where to look for a code error on this but it has continued to display this way on the last few upgrades.

SuiteCRM 7.11.12

The Grey Compose Email button is the one that triggers the email pop-up, it is the active link. Email creation is completed correctly and emails are sent. The button has been displayed as split between link and correctly rendered button for a while. I do not have any customization to the Activities module in my Custom folder so I have assumed that it would clear up as I upgraded, this has not been the case.

The duplicate button does not show up in any other sub panel but where ever the activity sub is utilized the duplicate button is rendered this way.

No clue where to look at this point so any guidance would be appreciated.

This is fixed in the newer versions, you can go on GitHub and look for the fix, or simply upgrade.

Thanks for the insight. I assume I am not using the correct vernacular when searching for bugs as I could not find any reference to this issue.

I will upgrade this evening, thanks again.

Yes it’s very possible that this is not an easy search to get right. I know it’s there because I’ve seen it more than once, but I also can’t find it quickly.

If you switch to Dropdown Action menu, this would not show. For that you can add following to your config_override.php

$sugar_config['enable_action_menu'] = false;

Buttons will show as Dropdown actions.

here is the fix proposed

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I am running version 7.11.13 and having this issue. I tried the fix listed above but I still have double buttons unless I switch to “External Client” but I dont want to do that. I want to be able to send emails out of SuiteCRM. Any ideas?

I like the button lay out and dont want a drop down menu.

Did you run Repair/Rebuild after applying the Fix?

Yes I did but it didnt remove the second button

Hi ,
I had this same issue, and the fix did not work even after a repair and clearing cache.

I managed to fix it by editing the SugarWidgetSubPanelTopComposeEmailButton.php.

I’m not sure how to go about proposing a change, but my fix is added as a comment


It comes back to 7.12.4. Anybody has this issue for latest release?

Same problem as above screenshot.
That has been here forever.
Any way to fix it ?

Please test this fix

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