I want the completed date and time for a task to show in the activity subpanel in the Cases module. Anyone know what files I need to modify and how?
I think that would be
The Activities subpanel is a but weird to set up sometimes, because it aggregates data from different modules, so there’s some special logic to it. But just adding a field should be easy.
I found this file before and although I’ve made many customizations over the years, this was I could not determine the necessary modification so not so sure about “should be easy” that is why I asked the question here hoping someone actually has done something similar can explain in more details.
I found this
and some other results online which seem to imply that you need to have the same field coming in on every module that the Activities subpanel aggregates: meetings, emails, tasks, calls.
I think it needs to find the field in all modules and it needs to be the same name… sorry but I never tried this so I don’t know enough to properly guide you.
Yes, I think this is the bottom line problem. I think the only solution for me is to figure out how to create a subpanel for just the Tasks module or make activities ignore all the other modules except tasks as I’m not using them. But how (on either method)?
You’re right, going for a new subpanel with only Tasks would really simplify this issue.
I have a couple of bookmarked links for this:
They are slightly different approaches, see if any one of those fits your needs.