Activity order in History by actual activity date

Moving from Hubspot to SuiteCRM so in learning mode. Issue is Activities will be performed on the street and not entered into CRM on the actual day of activity. However, I want to keep activities in descending order of actual date of activity in History vs date/time entered into the record. Can’t seem to get that structured. Possible to do?

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

Hhmm I am not sure about this, but maybe try adding a file here (create any missing sub-dirs):


With these contents:

	$layout_defs['Cases']['subpanel_setup']['activities']['sort_by'] = 'name';
	$layout_defs['Cases']['subpanel_setup']['activities']['sort_order'] = 'asc';

Note that the example is for Cases module, you might need this somewhere else. Also the sort by name field needs to be changed to the date you want (date_created, date_modified, etc).

Needs a quick repair and rebuild.

Tell me if this works for you.

Thank you very much for your assistance. Although quite experienced with databases, I am not a developer and don’t really know how to implement your kind suggestion. I did just revise to add the actual activity date in front of the subject description which allows me to sort in descending order to put entries in chronological order. I don’t think I need to see Date Modified in the header so will try to remove that and widen the Subject column a bit.
Thanks again for responding!

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