I’m quite new to suiteCRM, trying to check out if this product would be a good fit for my organisation.
I’m struggling with something and was wondering if I’m doing something incorrectly of the system it’s just designed that way.
I’ve created a new role where I’ve disabled all modules but two (Projects and Tasks), within the these two I’ve set ALL for Export,List and View and None for the rest as this would be a view-only role. Now when I log in with a user that has this role associated, and browse to the Projects I can still see the buttons/actions to create/import a project even though when I click on it I get an error message saying I don’t have the permissions. This will bring me back automatically after 10sec to the Home Page (instead of the previous page).
Now this in my opinion from a User Experience point of view if quite flawed as it will confuse the user, so I’d like that buttons/link and anything related to permissions that are not given are not visible on the screen. If this isn’t possible, I’d like at least to be able to customize the error page and the redirection with something more user-friendly.
Any help is appreciated.
p.s. sorry if this is a double post, I’ve tried earlier but it didn’t post anything.
RE: Action buttons (i.e. Create / View / Import / etc.) are visible and clickable even if disabled for the user
I understand your point. I’ll just give you a quick run-down. SCRM was forked from SugarCE and it was SugarCRM that decided to put CE up for forking. SugarCRM has the ability to customize dashboards for specific users and roles. Thereby, view-only roles as you were trying to create would only need to remain at their dashboard for whatever insights. Clicking on disabled links do forward the user back to the home page because it’s home base rather than keeping the user locked at a blank screen, an action the user must complete to navigate back to the home page anyway. Now that creating modules, connectors and extensions are wide-spread, users like yourself can install plugins to generate the user experience you feel your users should receive.