We added a panel visa the âAccounts Relationshipsâ menu which would create a one-to-many âaccounts-accountsâ relationship with a label âLead Account Sponsorâ. The panel is created which you can see in the âAccounts Subpanelsâ and in âAccounts Labelsâ. You will also see it in the âAccounts Layout Editviewâ However, the label is wrong, see âLBL_ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS_1_FROM_ACCOUNTS_L_TITLEâ. And, you cannot change it in âAccounts Labelsâ or âAccounts Layout Editviewâ. As soon as you click âSave & Deployâ, it reverts back to the name, âAccountsâ. By the way, âLBL_ACCOUNTS_ACCOUNTS_1_FROM_ACCOUNTS_R_TITLEâ, records the correct label, âLead Account Sponsorâ.
Since Sugarcrm Community Edition does not have the label changing problem, i assume the error has been introduced through Suitecrm modifications. I have tested recreated this problem with multiple clean installs on Suitecrm âVersion 7.6.4 Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061)â and the prerelease version of âSuiteCRM 7.7 Betaâ. Again, it does not happen in Sugarcrm Community Edition.
Thanks for any help!