Accounts detail view - Overview collapsed by default

Hello All

We are using SuiteCRM 7.10.9 and we dont know why, the Accounts Detail View - Overview panel suddenly appeared “collapsed” by default, and you need to expand it when you access an account record in this view and you would like to see its information.

It is not a big issue, as if you click in the Overview pannel it shows the info with no problem, but we liked the way it was before where the Overview pannel and info was shown by default when you access an Account Detail View.

Any ideas about how to set this config back?


Admin / System Settings / Collapsed subpanels?


Yes I have tried, (it was set to false already). But after playing with true/false in this field, the “Overview” panel of the “Detail View” is still hiding and I need to click on it to make it visible.

Is this not happening to anyone?

Our version is 7.10.9


I think this uses cookies, maybe you have them disabled? Or some adblocker is blocking them?

You can try

With these tests we should get pointed in the right direction to see where the problem is…