Hi I just started to use suitecrm, and wonder why I can’t do any accounting within it…I can write invoice, but I can’t see expenses, revenue etc…and there is no module for doing it directly into suitecrm…I wonder if this is wip, or will never get integrated…if not, I can suggest a connector to this software: https://akaunting.com/
It’s also Opensource because accounting is the only missing Opensource feature…
Please leave comments with your opinion for development or help how I can do accounting within Suitecrm
I looked at the docs, and saw that I need the module_builder if I’m right…but it’s doc-section is TBD…has someone already built a module for Akaunting?
I’m not aware of any pre-built modules that have been built to work with Akaunting, i’m afraid
Although if you have a look at the “Module Builder” section in your CRM’s Admin panel, you might be able to get something going from there!
Okay I’ve looked into the matter, but was not able to setup a two-way-sync module with akaunting…are there any developer who is willing to do this? How much will it cost?