Accounting inside SuiteCrm

Hi :slight_smile: I love SuiteCrm (especially the apps where you can create invoices and proposals) there are just some missing features I need help withā€¦where can I buy/how can I develop them:

  1. inventory
  2. bookkeeping (double entry)
  3. human resources
  4. bankstatemants-import
  5. WooCommerce connection
  6. payment gateway to pay invoices
  7. notification when someone hasnā€™t paid his invoice, and enter partial payments

Please suggest available apps, or connections to opensource software :-). Any help will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi @bd8392,

The reason those features are missing in SuiteCRM is because is not Accounting. Now there is some leverage we can get inside SuiteCRM. Specially by using integrations. One way to integrate accounting is by using Quickbooks and using the paid modules available in the store:

For woocomerce I have seen some third party plugins for WordPress that will integrate into SuiteCRMā€¦ or you can use these module from the store:

For payments gateways, I think the best option it to use your accounting software to take care of it.

QuickBooks looks extremely nice! But Iā€™m looking for something with one-time payment or opensourceā€¦

La verdad no se de ninguno. Pueda ser que alguien mƔs tenga conocimiento de ello.

La otra opciĆ³n es que utilices el API de SuiteCRM para crear tus propias integraciones

English translation for the community (Google translator):

The truth is not of any. It may be that someone else is aware of it.

The other option is that you use the SuiteCRM API to create your own integrations.

  1. Yes, by modifying the existing products module. Check details here (Inventory Module)
  2. If you want to use inside CRM, needs custom module to be developed. (can do via studio)
    1. Same as 2
  3. Check how Web to Lead works. Wordpress does provide hooks which posts content to any other URL for notification or processing.
  4. I would suggest just keep payment records and do the payments on the vendors site. Just a link to connect to their site.
  5. Use workflows to create alerts, otherwise a dashlet with status filter is enough.

Nice thread, people.

First @cherub-chum knows suitecrm really well and can build stuff if you need. Iā€™ve been chatting with him on the side as well about accounting this week (strange timing). I have made the decision to jump into this project Itā€™s really great and in my opinion the closest thing to a ā€˜quick books experienceā€™ without QB. I really donā€™t like the way QB held me hostage to give me the ā€˜featureā€™ of making a bill. A ā€˜featureā€™ ?? Charge extra to create a bill?? that was the final straw. I jumped ship. However, itā€™s not perfect over there and Iā€™m still in an ā€˜evaluation stageā€™ but Iā€™m going to try for more than one business. I feel that if SuiteCRM were to connect to Akaunting, we might have a real ā€˜thingā€™. They both open source, similar models with ā€˜installable paid appsā€™ and really good foundation. I would encourage all devs and business owners to start looking at this.

Iā€™ve also already looked into this, and it seems great :slight_smile:. Do you think it would be easy to build a connector to SuiteCrm? Than we maybe would have the best out of both worlds :slight_smile:. If docker maintainers are here, the akaunting docker project is looking for maintainers :slight_smile:.

This could be a great app to buildā€¦ I would pay the usual ā€˜app priceā€™ to be able to integrate with suitecrm for sure to save the time of building it etc.

I repeat that from what I can see Akaunting seems like the accounting home-run weā€™ve been looking for. You canā€™t expect SuiteCRM to be a ā€˜real accounting softwareā€™. Accountants need to be able to log in and do their ā€˜usual workā€™. They canā€™t be distracted with the ā€˜suitecrm stuffā€™. Akaunting is very clean and promising. Once the bugs are gone, I can fully promote it to every business owner but right now itā€™s still a little for the adventurousā€¦ I wrote a document somewhere about how to set it upā€¦ forgot to blog it. remind me and Iā€™ll ā€˜tryā€™ to blog it in next few months ha

Curious if this ā€œAkauntingā€ worked out well. Im in Quickbooks but finding that even the paid quickbooks SUITECRM options in the store are works in progress. For example this one - Dreamers tech works best, but brings in fields that arent useful to me. (No Invoice numbers or Status) So I will require custom mods that hopefully get what I require.

The other ā†’ Smackcoders look s promising but Iā€™ve spent many late night / morning remote sessions with them that havent been very productive, Started with server perm issues, then general functionality issues. Will also require custom mods to get useful info like Invoice numbers or Status.

Sounds like there is no connector for Akaunting for SuiteCRM. Now, Im considering just exporting out invoices from QB and then importing them periodically into SuiteCRM,
Although my searches here show thats not as easy as I might hope.

One accounting system Iā€™m evaluating right now is FrontAccounting. Itā€™s an opens source model much like SuiteCRM and itā€™s built with PHP and MySQL just like SuiteCRM. It takes some getting use to, the learning curve from quickbooks is a little steep because itā€™s not all graphical interface like quickbooks, however it does everything a proper accounting system does and possibilities for integration are promising. Iā€™m kind of stuck on data import at the moment which is hampering my switch from Quickbooks, but might be worth a look for anyone else whoā€™s a dev and likes the PHP/MySQL environment.

I use Frontaccounting for 6 different businesses. I also use SuiteCRM for those same busiunesses. Once Iā€™ve submitted my taxes later this week, I will be looking at ways to better integrate SuiteCRM and FA.

I have some partially finished code that pushes Accounts and Customers from FA into SuiteCRM. It isnā€™t polished to be a functioning module in FA yet, but it isnā€™t far away. I also have code that polls SuiteCRM for Accounts/Contacts, as well as separate code that creates Accounts/Customers in FA. Once I tie these all together there will be a bridge between FA and SuiteCRM.

As an aside, I use FA as the system of record for integrations. I also have code that generates CSVs for import into SquareUP and WooCommerce of products out of FrontAccouting, and I am almost done code to import Square and Woo exports of orders, customers, etc into FA. I just finished code that imports QFX/OFX downloads, as well as Walmart MC exports into FA.

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Nice! Iā€™d love to switch off Quickbooks and use FrontAccounting and do some of the integrations you mentioned.

Same. I feel rest can be used in some way for this and am possibly going to develop some type of connector for it depending on if my needs dictate or a full integration (nightmare) if required. It would be sooner rather than later. Iā€™ll keep everyone posted :slight_smile:

Which way are yā€™all tryin to sync, or bi-directional?

My current issue is importing all my records from Quickbooks. At the moment having trouble with the import feature of FrontAccounting. But ideally, Iā€™d like to push quotes, invoices, and customers/contacts back and forth.

I see, QB and FA are different data models, so exports to CSV and converting to the FA data structure with your QB data is necessary. I donā€™t envy that if you have gobs of data.

Regarding FA and SCRM, looking for a bi-directional solution will require a method for syncing data between the two, whether by real-time or batch (real-time being the obvious goal). Thatā€™s kind of yikes. (Sync, Polling, Session Mgmt, Network Availability). Since FA doesnā€™t support webhooks out of the box it complicates things but there is a Rest addon. Iā€™m poking around at it today. Going to see if I can get rest for FA chugging along first and going from there. May see how complicated it would be to create a webhook solution for FA (Likely a nightmare but why not right :slight_smile: )

@AeroDonkey Ive got all my qb data exported and formatted properly just cant figure out the import plugin. I think SuiteCRM and Frontaccounting would be a great pair if it could work.

Are you getting any errors in the logs on attempted import or havent made it that far yet?

Hey @AeroDonkey I created all my customers/contacts directly in the DB, Iā€™ve imported my Chart of Accounts. Iā€™m stuck on importing transactions. I canā€™t even get a single transaction to import. Even the example transaction! There were a couple minor PHP 8 issues in the log that I fixed, other than that Iā€™m stuck. The documentation is kind of sketchy, Iā€™ve tried a million different ways to format the data for import and I just canā€™t get it to go. Iā€™m still figuring out the software so debugging is kind of tough. It really is a fantastic solution if I can get my past data in. I donā€™t really want to start fresh with no historical data.