Account user login to edit own data

Hi, just started looking at SuiteCRM as an option for hosting a magazine circulation list. Is there a mechanism to allow user on my list in say Accounts, to log in and edit their own data?

Many Thanks



As far as I am aware, the CRM doesn’t have functionality that supports this out of the box at the moment.

Off of the top of my head, A possible solution may be to create different User Accounts for your records, and utilize Security groups so that these Users could only view/edit/delete their own records.

For example, if you Have an Account called: “TestAccount”
Create a user and set up SecurityGroup Roles so that they have “Owner” access for everything related to Accounts
Then, Assign this user to the Account “TestAccount”, they will then be only able to view/edit/delete this record.

Another option would be to, instead of setting up Roles to be “Owner” access, To set it up to be “group” access, Create Security Groups using this Role, and then assign both Users and Records to the appropriate groups.

Hopefully that gives you some ideas of a place to start!

Hi John

Many thanks for your reply. I did something very similar to what you suggested, which gives me more confidence that it is a decent approach, so again thanks for the input! Here are the basic steps I took (still in a test environment.)

Created a table of user names and auto generated passwords, which I imported to SuiteCRM. I used some SQL to insert this data into the SuiteCRM users table, also MD5ing the password.

I created a Security Group and Role via the Admin console of SuiteCRM, then used SQL to Insert all the user IDs and the newly created [securitygroups] Id into the securitygroups_users table.

Finally I inserted all the reader data into a custom module, inner joining to users table so that I could insert the id of the users table into the assigned_user_id field.

Best Regards


Hi John

Sorry for bringing up and old thread but I was wondering what your thoughts on another alternative to bulk creating users were.

I was thinking of creating a form externally to SuiteCRM using the bean framework / SOAP API to fetch and update a contacts data? Would this be a more sensible approach do you think? 10000 users seems a lot of users to create, although I’m not sure.

