account creation - stuck with blank screen after SAVE

Hello everyone, experiencing some issue when creating an account: After filling the info in the first page, I click save and the browsre returns a blank page, URL points at localhost//index.php

If I use the Reload on the browser, the form is retransmitted and the warning ’ possible duplicate account’ is shown. So looks like the account is created but the process of moving to the next step stops.

Any idea how to check / debug further?



Adding more, looks like this happens ONLY to users who are assigned to multiple groups. In my case I am acting as a Channel manager and each Partner is a group. So I have many security groups assigned to me, even if I create the account and assign to the proper account manager and the proper partner , after SAVE the browser displays a blank screen only ( host/index.php ) . Account is created so if the page is reloaded the duplicate warning is displayed…

Again if anyone can tell me more about how to investigate further I will proceed.


Checked the php error log and found this at the time the issue occurs

[26-Apr-2015 09:42:31 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\modules\SecurityGroups\AssignGroups.php on line 30

Investigating further