Access outside of localhost

Please, help me out again :cry:

Currently, we can only access the site if its on localhost:80

I need this to be accessed remotely by other users that are not in the same network, or when the users will be out in the office.

I have tried port forwarding port 80 to a different port and tried it as but its not working, i know that the port forwarding on our router is working fine because we have other sites (not crm related) that are setup on it and they are currently working.

I have also tried changing these




but its still not working, apache didnā€™t even start lol, I also tried changing ā€œourdomainā€ to our public ip address but still nothing

Is there any other config files that I need to change?

I also just have tried changing the site_url on the config.php file but Iā€™m still getting site canā€™t be reached



  1. Have you added the domain to DNS?
  2. Have you restarted Apache?

Added the domain on the dns? Where on the config files or the router?

And yes I have already restarted apache after the changes I made


Can you run command:


and get an answer?

Yes i get a reply. 4 sent, 4 received


I donā€™t see an error in your config file.
Have you looked at the errors in the apache log file?

since i change the site_url to ā€œourdomain.netā€


iā€™m assuming the ServerName on the apache httpd.conf file should also be changed to ā€œourdomain.netā€ right?


I see this on the error logs on apache


What directory did you specify in parameter ā€œServerRootā€ of apache?
I see that you use subdirectory for SuiteCRM.


i havenā€™t change this yet, its using the default

My suitecrm installation is currently under


should I change the server root to this?


But you set subdirectory ā€˜marquee_suitecrmā€™ in config file of SuiteCRM.
Now you write another path ā€˜C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrmā€™.
Try checking the path to SuiteCRM.

Sorry typo on my path, the path where suite crm is currently installed is on



Then redefine the path in apache.

I changed it to the path to where suitecrm is installed but when i tried to start apache again its not starting


I also tried changing the slash to a backslash ā€œ/ā€ but still not starting

thereā€™s no latest entry on the error logs as well

Iā€™ve configured the virtual host file, I added a document root, server name and server alias. After doing so I restarted apache. I thought it was working already cause I was able to restart apache (I couldnā€™t earlier after making changes on the virtual host file) I tried accessing it as ā€œwww.ourdomain.netā€ but its still not working, thereā€™s nothing new thatā€™s showing on the error logs just the same certificate warning that i sent earlier.

I even updated the hosts file and added our public ip and domain name, I still canā€™t access it.

If I specified the server alias as ā€œwww.ourdomain.netā€ shouldnā€™t i be able to access it through there?

I donā€™t know what else Iā€™m doing wrong

And why canā€™t I run it outside the virtual machine? I tried to run the ip address on a different pc (same network) but even that it doesnā€™t work


Sorry, I do not know.
I see that you are configuring the domain ā€œourdomain.netā€, not ā€œwww.ourdomain.netā€. Also, I see the ā€œwww.example.comā€ domain in the log file.
Usually, when I get into such a situation, I start over.

I was able to kind of make it work? when I entered on the web it loaded but it loaded to our router page? haha i think its because Iā€™ve put in our public ip on the hosts file, I tried entering the ip address of where the crm is installed but then it now showed the xampp dashboard.

firewall. it was firewall :woman_facepalming:

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