Hi and thanks for taking the time to reply. So i’ve used an upgrade patch - two to be precise. On one server i’m getting a 403 error thrown at me (Cloud Linux/cPanel with no root access) on the other i’m getting a 500 error (Ubuntu 22.04 and DirectAdmin with my own root access).
I can’t find anything meaningful in logs and I have ensured that values are hugh enough in settings → advanced settings and in PHP settings for the server.
I have ensured that permissions are correct too - at least as far as chmod - i’m not sure how to make sure owners/groups are right or what files/directories that I should be checking?
I have recently changed server/hosting account names- i’m not sure if there is anything beyond db user, dbname and password to change?
I have tried turning on Suite CRM debug but again, nothing that I can see but I am dyslexic and it doesn’t space out problems.
The 403/500 is being thrown after about 4 minutes whilst the patch is being uploaded. I tried a big patch (38mb) which is a valid upgrade route patch from my version further into the future and a patch to the next version from what i’m on which should be less taxing. Both had the same issue.
I suspect that I need to start on one version of PHP and as the upgrade happens to move forward a version to fulfill PHP version requirements - the version I am on will run, I think PHP 7.4 at max. I’m sure more modern versions will require a higher PHP version. This is one of the compelling reasons to upgrade - security but i’m not sure if the necessity to increase PHP Version as I gradually get more and more uptodate will be getting in the way.
I went to hosting support for the cPanel server- they couldnt find anything of note for the cPanel server - i’ve also tried this on a server where I have root access (I got 500 there).
I could not get composer to play ball for love nor money as, in cPanel terminal it said it couldn’t find the autoloader, told me to install composer, I did this and got can’t find the auto loader and to install composer again. I did the --nodev command that they recommended too.
On my root access server, it couldnt find the robo directory even though it exists within the path where it says it doesn’t.
With the upgrade from terminal route - I noticed that the suggested command versus the instructions above
/below do not match and have a different order - one suggests a period before the SuiteCRM username, above/below it suggests not using a period so I found this confusing and wondered if the command format is correct at all.
I did delete the temp file from cache as recommended on other threads and in between upgrade attempts.
I did run built in repairs including a .htaccess rebuild.