There’s something strange with the purchases subpanel in products. Only the global info (Total, Subtotal, Tax, etc…) of the invoice/quote related to the product can be seen. Not the amount bought from the specific product.
It’s not logical to me. I checked in Studio but couldn’t find a way to see line items in purchases subpanel. Am I misunderstanding something?
All those information makes sense from the point of view of Account. This is what you want to see, a list of the products bought with price, discount, etc…
Now this is what I have in Purchases under Products:
We have the quotes with the total amounts, all products included. If I’m visiting the page of a product, I would like to see relevant info about this particular product, not an amount an amount including a lot of other products.
In other word, the Line Item seems more important here than the global quote information.
Inside the red square are all the info I can find to be included in the subpanel. Nothing is about the specific product, all are global Quotes/Invoices information.
I’m not sure if it’s made on purpose, if there’s a way to do what I need or if I simply don’t understand the logic of it.
Thanks @Urvi , unfortunately Sub-Total (in red) will not give me the info I’d like to see. I need the Total per Product (in green) in each Purchases sub-panel.
Thanks @pgr, I understand it could be something interesting to get the global quote amount per product in some case. I’m not a developer and I don’t want to mess with the code too much.