A lot of "Undefined array keys" after installation

Hi everyone. Can someone please help me to fix the issue?

I have installed SuiteCRM 8.1.3 without any errors/warnings on my xampp server (php 8.0).

But when I logging in I see a lot of warnings “Undefined array keys” instead of corresponding menu elements (see screenshot attached).

Any clues?

Welcome to the community!
It seems these are warning only. You should have directive - display_errors=Off; into the php.ini file of your server.

Well, I tried to include “error_reporting(0);” in my index.php of my suitecrm8/public/legacy/.

Warnings have disappeared.

But… It seems like I don’t have a top horizontal menu to access all the functions (see screenshot attached). Something is wrong, still.

Not sure, But can you try with php.ini as for legacy it may be for content frame only from legacy/index.php
Also, do you have PHP and SuiteCRM versions as per the compatibility matrix?

Ok, I now removed error_reporting(0); from my index.php, and added display_errors=Off; to my php.ini of my server. All the warnings are back now again (see screenshot attached).

As for the compatibility matrix, yes, I have Apache 2.4.53, MariaDB 10.4.24, PHP 8.0.19.

Anybody facing the same problem?

Not having a nav bar points to using the wrong URL or DocRouting. Your URL should be like crm.mycompany.com/#/ which should auto direct you to the homepage or login page.

Errors should also be disabled as was suggested during run time as it is best to check logs and stick to onscreen when you’re very unsure what’s wrong.

Please let me know what the end of your URL currently looks like and if the issues persist if you try the format listed above :+1:

My SuiteCRM is installed locally on my Apache web server. So to access the crm I go to http://localhost/suitecrm8/public/legacy as it was set by default during the installation.

However, in my config.php site url is set to http://localhost/suitecrm8, because this is the path to my site folder.

I am not sure what should I change here and how?


As you’re navigating to the legacy that’s where the issue comes from. You will want to change the doc route as shown here;

So that when you go to localhost/suitecrm8 it handles the redirects properly and you end up seeing the new Suite8 front end. You may need to reinstall if this wasn’t the install page you saw originally;

Hm, no, this was not the install page I saw when I was installing it originally. This is strange, because I downloaded it from the official page here Download - SuiteCRM.

Thank you, I will try to reinstall it then and will ensure I set the url to localhost/suitecrm8.

I’ll be back later with the result.

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It’s a side product of how suite8 works. With both the new suite8 stuff and old suite7 stuff tied together in one package you end up with two install screens. However, the S8 one handles S7 install as well as S8.

So long as the web route is set correctly you should never see S7 pages on there own and anything without a navigation bar