A Little help for a Newbie Please


I have been amazed at what Suite CRM can do ?

I am gradually going through the software

A couple of questions that I need to be answered by those more knowledgeable than me.

  1. How do you set statuses on each sale ? I can see there is something but i am afraid it will need to be explained to me

  2. I know there is a Commissions add on - but is there any other way i can create commissions for our sales people.
    Also is there any other commissions software which intergrates with Suite CRM.

  3. I have 2 types of products. Landline and Broadband and Mobile. Is there anyway that I can create a sale to add on to the account. also could i add on to the account a Landline and Broadband Sale and a Mobile Sale separately without having al the different products on one sales order.

I would very much appreciate some help on this from someone

Sorry for asking too many questions at once on my first posting

Kind Regards

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  1. Using Quotes status. if you have nurturing process then first using opportunity & then generating a quote.

  2. Using Workflow calculated field action.

  3. Yes, if you relate the quote/invoice with the Account, they will show under that account. You would need to generate separate Quote/Invoice to separate them.

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With the problem of Statuses - what i am looking for perhaps i may have not described it well
is several Statuses to show the stage of the Order ie
New Order
Order Placed

Could someone assist with this please

Also the Orders that are completed by the different teams do i have to assign them so that they do not show on anyone elseโ€™s list or are they the Owners.
Are there Owners and Assigned on Suite CRM


Hi @cherub-chum or anyone else that could possibly assist please

Sorry again i thnk i just have to confirm what @cherub-chum has said ?
Thankyou @cherub-chum for your answer on commissions which was very helpful
So i have a customer who wants two different products i need to attach an order form for those two different products on the order form .
So is it possible to have a tab on each order form wit h the types of [roduct or would i have to have different order forms which i can attach to customjer