7.9 UPGRADE: Create Task... Compose Email Doesn't work

I can’t create an email from a Contact or Opportunity by clicking on the “Create Task” button and selecting “Compose Email” nothing happens. The link bar in the browser just says “javascript:void(0);” and nothing happens. This just started with my upgrade to 7.9 and SuiteP, previously I had used SuiteR and everything worked find.

Anyone else?

clear your cookies and repair, it works for me

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Thanks! I tried that, the pop up now works. However, it takes like 10 seconds to pop up. Also, when I select the “relate to” the search box doesn’t work below. It used to just auto populate with the contact.

Does this functionality work for you?

OK, I’ve now got the relate to selection working. However, the email address does not auto populate. If I cut and paste the email in and then try to send, I get a white screen with:
{“data”:{“type”:“Email”,“id”:“e514f1fa-e4b5-a265-a73f-593ac819c5ad”,“title”:“Email sent”,“attributes”:[],“relationships”:[]}}

Does it work for you?

yes, I don’t see this error message, perhaps it’s something related with the files permisions?

7.9.0 has many issues that are being fixed currently.

If you have a look at the SuiteCRM GitHub page you will see that there have been several pull requests since the release of 7.9.0. Maybe the issue thta you are experiencing is a known issue and has been solved. If it is so you may apply the fix (if there is one) for the issue.

Hopefully there will be a new release soon to fix as many issues as possible.

7.9.0 has introduced some important modifications so the high number of incidents is something, in some way, expected. To reduce this SalesAgility issued also a beta and a release candidate of 7.9.0 and now they are working heavily to fix all they can.

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Thanks, I’ll have a look there. Appreciate the info.