7.7 Project - add new tasks - does not create task

Add new task button in a project pops up the task dialog. Once completed the

  • ADD button does not do anything
  • CANCEL button = Loading page please wait pop-up

No tasks are created.


I’ve tested this in the most recent version, (Currently 7.7.4), and am unable to replicate.

Would it be possible to upgrade to 7.7.4 and give this another go?

If you’re still able to replicate this issue, please let us know!

I am having this issue as well on SuiteCRM Version 7.8.0 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509).

When I attempt to create a task from this view the exact problem occurs as the OP. I noticed that server CPU usage will spike up to 100% for a moment before returning to normal levels.

Error log snippet directly after a task creation attempt from this view:

Tue Feb 14 11:17:01 2017 [2942][id][FATAL] error loading relationship quotes
Tue Feb 14 11:17:40 2017 [32263][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:17:40 2017 [32263][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:17:40 2017 [32263][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:17:40 2017 [32263][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:19:40 2017 [32266][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:19:40 2017 [32266][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:19:40 2017 [32266][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:19:40 2017 [32266][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:19:40 2017 [32266][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:19:40 2017 [32266][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:45:05 2017 [3761][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:45:05 2017 [3761][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:45:05 2017 [3761][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:45:05 2017 [3761][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:52:05 2017 [3253][id][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_quotes
Tue Feb 14 11:52:05 2017 [3253][id][FATAL] quotes for projects_quotes failed to load

Tue Feb 14 11:52:05 2017 [3253][id][ERROR] Unable to find relationship projects_quotes
Tue Feb 14 11:52:05 2017 [3253][id][FATAL] quotes for projects_quotes failed to load

Tue Feb 14 11:52:10 2017 [3784][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:52:10 2017 [3784][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:52:10 2017 [3784][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 11:52:10 2017 [3784][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 12:07:05 2017 [4127][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 12:07:05 2017 [4127][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 12:07:05 2017 [4127][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 12:07:05 2017 [4127][id][ERROR] Unable to get proper side for link project_name_link
Tue Feb 14 12:07:32 2017 [4122][id][FATAL]  Query Failed: DESCRIBE versions: MySQL error 1146: Table 'crm.versions' doesn't exist
Tue Feb 14 12:07:32 2017 [4122][id][FATAL]  Query Failed: SHOW INDEX FROM versions: MySQL error 1146: Table 'crm.versions' doesn't exist
Tue Feb 14 12:07:32 2017 [4122][id][FATAL]  Query Failed: select * from versions: MySQL error 1146: Table 'crm.versions' doesn't exist

Using PHP 7.0
MySQLi Version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: id $
MySQLi Host Info: Localhost via UNIX socket
MySQLi Server Info: 5.7.17-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
MySQLi Client Encoding: utf8
MySQL Character Set Settings: character_set_client = utf8, character_set_connection = utf8, character_set_database = utf8, character_set_filesystem = binary, character_set_results = utf8, character_set_server = latin1, character_set_system = utf8

Let me know if I can provide any additional information.

Have you set permissions corectly?

If you haven’t done it search the forum and follow instructions.
Once done run quick repair and rebuild, possibly ebuild javascript, reset permissions again then clear browser cache and try again.

Please report back.

Ran (as cited in Wiki):

chgrp www-data <suitecrmroot> -R
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Set config.php

 'default_permissions' =>
  array (
    'dir_mode' => 1517,
    'file_mode' => 420,
    'user' => 'www-data',
    'group' => 'www-data',

Quick Repair and Rebuild
Rebuild JS Languages
Rebuild JS Compressed Files
Rebuild JS Grouping Files
Rebuild Minified JS Files

Re-ran the above permission setting commands.

Cleared cache.
Logged back in.
Navigated to /index.php?module=Project&action=view_GanttChart&project_id=id and attempted to Add New TasK again. The same issue occurs…

I tested it on the SuiteCRM demo ( http://demo.suiteondemand.com ) and it doesn’t work so it must be a bug.

I searched on gitHub but I haven’t found any Issues nor pull requests so please enter an issue on gitHub explaining the problem.

It would be useful to know until which version this has worked to go and compare the current code that doesn’t work with the old one that does work.

I am having the same issue. I go to PROJECTS then click on create for PROJECT TASKS, fill it out, press SAVE and then it freezes until the page response back is totally white.

Anyone have a fix for this?

I’m also having the same issue on v7.7.9. The demo site does not have this issue.

Fixed the problem. In the admin, I had to reset my “Advanced OpenAdmin - Business hours”.

1 Like

This fixed it for me as well. Good find, thanks!!

You just changed the Business hours and that did the trick? Unfortunately not in my case. Or what do you mean with “reset”?

Version 7.8.3
Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)

You just changed the business hours and that did the trick? Unfortunately, not in my case. or what did you mean with “reset”?

Thanks in advance.

Version 7.8.3
Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)

hm, didn´t work for me. Any other suggestions?

Yes that’s all I did. I changed them to something, hit save. Then reverted back to the original 9am-5pm and hit save again.

1 Like

Problem solved. New install and it works for now.