7.7 new theme not wrapping text in Case description

Upgraded to 7.7 and the Case, Task and other modules Description field is not wrapping. Text is extending over the DetailView field area. See screenshot.

It gets even worse when you shrink your browser window and responsive viewport lessens the viable area. This will then brake the ability to scroll over.

I am also having issues with SuiteP theme on text area field types on custom modules. See attachment.

Still getting the issue in 7.7.3 for both text area field types and for HTML fields too.

Getting the same here as well - every since upgrade to 7.7 - and now up to 7.7.3 - its not wrapping text.

Hi all,

Just upgraded to 7.7.4 and this fixed the issue for me, both text area fields and HTML fields are now wrapping properly.

Thanks and well done SuiteCRM team!

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Hi, I am having a similar issue with the ‘Billing Address’ and ‘Shipping Address’ fields. (please see attached screenshot).
Also the ‘Copy’ buttons are not lining up.

Currently on SuiteCRM 7.7.4 PHP 7.0.9 with MSSQL2016 on IIS 7.0

Issue happens on IE11, Firefox, and Chrome.

Thanks in advance

Hi macue,

I can replicate this bug, thank you for bringing this up. Could you please report it on GitHub to ensure the developers fix this issue

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Hi Cameron, thanks for confirming the issue.
I’ve logged a bug as requested.


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gone to 7.7.4 yet?